The Name of Jesus

Scripture Reading - Acts 3:6-8 KJV

6 Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.
7 And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.
8 And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.

Today’s lesson will highlight “The Awesome Name of Jesus”. Of course “the Name of Jesus” includes all things and all beings are subject to the “The Name of Jesus” so we will not be covering the all-inclusive aspect of “Jesus Name”. This specific lesson is only going to focus on one purpose of “the Name of Jesus”. We start by recognizing the very real fact that the disciples of Jesus were given “the Name of Jesus” to minister to people who were in need. Remember Mark 16:17 which states, “And these signs shall follow them that believe In my name” and the given signs were revealed in verse 17b and verse 18 as, “they shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” Please notice that three of the signs dealt specifically with healing. One was spiritual deliverance from Satanic oppression or possession (casting out devils) to bring mental, spiritual and in certain cases physical healing. The second sign speaks of keeping us healthy in the midst of being poisoned. The Lord knows there are many poisons in the earth that hurt our natural body. However, we have a promise that whatever we put into or body that we find harmful God can certainly keep us from harm through the Power of the Name of Jesus. The third sign is believers would lay hands on the sick and they (the sick) would recover. We emphasize the fact that Jesus didn’t say these signs will follow all Christians. Jesus never sent out any of His Disciples in the Name of the Father God. No, Jesus didn’t send out His disciples in the Name of the Holy Spirit either. Is that because God The Father can’t heal? No, that is not the reason. Maybe it’s because the Holy Spirit of God doesn’t have the power to rise anyone from the dead? No, that is not it either. What we do know is that God is awesome in power and full of resurrection glory but God’s Power is channeled through His Holy Word. This means the Word of God is the order and structure to God’s power. The Lord has to use The Word of God to measure out His Power in divine increments less we get too much exposure to God’s Power and die. For who can stand directly in the full Light of God’s Presence with sinful flesh that will not be harmed (burned up)? No man without God’s Grace, Mercy and Divine Protection being applied can endure the all-consuming fire of God (also known as supernatural Light or God’s Glory). We noticed on the mount of transfiguration in Matthew 17:1-7 that sinful flesh is unworthy to stand before a Holy God. Yes, the power of God is constantly measured out in degrees so mortal man can receive it. So the disciples of Jesus were instructed to seek people who were open for God’s blessing and give it to them in “the Name of Jesus”. We (ihlcc) know there is awesome power in “the Name of Jesus” and the place for the power to be put to work is typically identified in the prayer or we could say the commandment from the minister of God. Look closely at what happened in today’s reference verse 6. First Peter said, “silver and gold have I none”. Thus I cannot pay for any medical procedure or medicine, I am not bringing you the promise of medical science or the services of men. However (but) I do have something. Now this is a hard swallow for many of God’s People but stay with us by realizing Peter did say “such as I have”. Let this sink down deep into your ears because we all, as Christians, have “the Name of Jesus” to use whenever we like. We are slowing the reading down at this point because unless we take the time to focus on this truth many people will miss it. The truth that you have “the Name of Jesus” to use whenever you like is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which basically means, “The Good News of Jesus Christ”. Yes, what we (ihlcc) are saying is that whatever the need is in our life or the life of a loved one “the Name of Jesus” is all sufficient to take care of the problem if you understand that “the Name of Jesus” represents the complete person of Jesus Christ. Speaking forth “the Name of Jesus” is like calling for Jesus Himself to fix the situation. Now with that being said the reality is still “the Name of Jesus” works in conjunction with the Holy Word of God and in perfect unity with the Holy Spirit of God. So although “the Name of Jesus” is all-powerful you cannot use “the Name of Jesus” for things outside of God’s Word. Please know that the awesome “Name of Jesus” is primarily used to overcome the works of darkness and it is always there to bless the child of God. If there are things going on in your life that you cannot fix in your own power or wisdom for sure “the Name of Jesus” is sufficient to fix it. If you need a certain healing claim it in “the Name of Jesus” and in the same “Name of Jesus” command any and all sickness to depart from your body, why because you are temple of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, light cannot have fellowship with darkness, nor should good health have any fellowship with sickness, nor should all comfort have anything in common with disease. Today’s reference scripture clearly stated that Peter had “the Name of Jesus” to use to heal a lame man upon the earth because in Heaven there is no sickness and disease. As always the power of God is more than sufficient to defeat (overcome) the aliments of darkness (including immobile parts of the body) upon this earth. Yes, there is healing in “the Name of Jesus” because there is divine power (and authority) released in “the awesome Name of Jesus”. The end result was mentioned in verse 7b when the lame man received strength in his ankles and feet, then he (the lame man) leaped up and stood-up, and then walked then he started a lifestyle of walking and leaping and praising God (yes, the thought of walking, leaping and praising God as a lifestyle was added by ihlcc). This is what “the Name of Jesus” can do, so don’t make the mistake of thinking this is only for the apostles of Christ because that is not true. No, “the Name of Jesus” is for all of God’s Children so lay hold to “the Name of Jesus” when you are ready to go forth and conquer the enemy or any force of darkness invading your world. Yes, the Word of God must be known to clearly see what belongs to you in Jesus Christ your Lord, Savoir and Friend so when you know this in all confidence please by all means use “the Name of Jesus” to totally defeat any foe (spiritually, mentally or physically) and secure the promise of God in your life because certainly “The Name of Jesus is sufficient” to heal, to fill and to do God’s Will. Amen!